His cock is bright red towards the tip, leaking pre consistently. With a better view, you can see how desperate he is. You knelt down beside him, throwing the pillow to the side, grimacing at the wet sound it made when it hit the ground. You close the door behind you, the door has no lock, but the two of you were alone anyway. “M-master, please-“ Sebastian whines, hand slipping down to stroke himself.

He makes no attempt to cover himself, instead he rolls onto his back, now facing you, his hair is a mess, half of it is sticking to his face and the other half is all sticking out, as if he just got out of bed. He freezes in an instant, a weak whimper escapes him. You can tell he’s getting close, his hips speed up and you can’t help but worry that he’ll chafe his poor little cock if you don’t intervene, after all, a good Master takes care of their things, right? With the way he keeps squirming around, you can see the pillow under him is completely ruined, it is covered in his pre, he hasn’t even realized that theres a small puddle forming underneath him. You have to hold back a laugh at the pathetic growl he gives when the pillow between his legs slips, leaving him to hurriedly trying to shove it back in place. You wouldn’t mind if he was in one of the bedrooms, but he’s not, he’s in the living room humping a coach pillow. The demon seemed to have not noticed you yet, so you use the opportunity to sneak closer to him. You don’t miss the way his hips snap forward, dragging his cock against the pillow. His clothes were in shreds on the floor, if you had to guess, he hat impatient trying to take them off. With a quick glance you can tell he’s biting the other pillow to try and muffle his whines. When he told you he was in heat, how could you not use that as ammo against him? Especially after the sight you’d just walked in on, Sebastian had shoved a pillow between his legs, letting one hand hold the pillow while he has the other hand holding a pillow close to him. You had made him tell you what was wrong after the first day, he struggled with basic task and it was worrisome. You enjoyed the extra affection from him, but you valued your personal space more. Your butler, Sebastian, always got so troublesome this time a year…He only wanted to have sex, nothing else, he’d get so damn whiny if you ignored him. Spring was such a wonderful time of year, things started to bloom, the animals are more active since there’s more food, and you get to see baby animals! You never thought much of how it was for the animals, just admiring them was fun, unfortunately you don’t get to watch them as often as you used too. (Pic by !) Sebastian (edg/ing, heat cycle, (light) cock slapping, (light) pact play, sq/uirting (m receiving), ) Those are some really good thoughts, thanks for sharing em!!